Build Strength & Stability: Virtual Programs for Hypermobility

Foundations of Strength Training- Beginner

  • Tired of injuring yourself every time you try a new workout program? This 8 week program will help you build stability and neuromuscular connections that are essential for injury prevention and building movement patterns. In this program, you’ll build neck and shoulder stability, basic core and trunk stability, and will learn about how to do the squat and deadlift in a way that works for your stretchy body. See equipment needs below.

  • -8 weeks of programming, specific to hypermobility, focusing on building sustainable movement habits, neck, and foundational movements.

    -3 workouts a week ( 1 upper, 1 lower, and 1 core based day)

    -In depth video descriptions for each exercise

    -Movement Buddies forum with other active clients for questions and community

    -Plan to spend 5-15 minutes for each workout. Each week will progressively increase.

  • -Set of resistance bands ( I like theraband)

    -Small weights (You can use a can of soup, water bottle, or gallon of milk)

Foundations of Strength Training- Intermediate

  • Ready to improve your balance, core, and trunk control? This 8 week program will help you to develop full body stability in a way that is intended to reduce overtraining and injury due to hypermobility. You’ll learn how to do important trunk strengthening and balance exercises including carry variations, single leg RDL, and plank variations to reduce symptoms of hypermobility. See equipment needs below.

  • -8 weeks of programming, specific to hypermobility focusing on trunk stability, balance, and core strength.

    -3 workouts a week ( 1 upper, 1 lower, and 1 core based day)

    -In depth video descriptions for each exercise

    -Movement Buddies forum with other active clients for questions and community

    -Plan to spend 10-30 minutes for each workout. Each week will progressively increase.

  • -Set of resistance bands (I like theraband)

    -Variety of weights (3,5,8,10 pounds)

    -A few heavier weights (~20/25/30)

Neck & Shoulder Stability

  • Tired of those shoulder blade knots? Let’s build up some shoulder stability to reduce shoulder subluxations and improve strength to reduce muscular tension.

  • -12 weeks of training (3x/week) through my app

    -In depth video descriptions for each exercise

    -Direct messenger access with Dr. Jenna for form checks, modifications, and support

    -Access to movement buddies virtual forum for group support and questions

    -Pause & restart your program as often as needed to fit YOUR schedule

    -Video trainings on topics including:

    Shoulder Blade Knots, Chronic Neck Tension, Tension Headaches, Managing Shoulder Subluxations, Taping for neck & Shoulder pain, & more!

    This is already set up on a 3 month payment plan.

  • -Set of resistance bands (I like theraband)

    -Small variety of weights (you can use a water bottle, gallon of milk, etc for small weights)

    -K-tape (I recommend ordering basic kinesio tape and trialing a small piece on your arm to make sure you don't have a reaction before using a full piece)

    -Workouts can be completed at home!

Ankle Sprains & Agility

  • This one is for my "I sprained my ankle again by tripping over air" pals.

    We can't change the structure of your ligaments and how loose they are. What we can change is your proprioception and coordination to help your ankles learn how to react to external forces with less of a twist.

    First, we need to learn ankle strength and prep the nervous system. The first 6 weeks of this program are dedicated to just this! We will work on ankle, knee, and hip strength that are needed before starting any footwork practice.

    Once we've got this down, we will start with gentle agility drills. This will work on your ability to move your feet in different directions with strength and stability. The last 6 weeks of the program will combine both strength and agility drills.

  • This program includes:

    -12 weeks of training (3x/week) through my app

    -In depth video descriptions for each exercise

    -Access to office hours for live Q&A and form checks with Dr. Jenna

    -Access to movement buddies virtual forum for group support and questions

    -Video trainings on topics including: Anatomy of the ankle, Most common type of ankle sprain and how to manage it, Shoes for different foot types, Taping for ankle sprains, What is proprioception, Agility ladder 101, & more!

  • -Resistance bands (I like theraband)

    -Agility ladder

    -Variety of weights (5-20 pounds)


Build Your Back

  • Tired of injuring yourself every time you try and pick something up?! In this program, you'll learn the difference between the squat, hinge, russian, and conventional deadlift. These movements in the gym, with progressions, will help to prepare your body to be able to move without fear outside of the gym.

  • This program includes:

    -3x per week customized workout plan for 12 weeks

    -In depth video descriptions for each exercise, all specific to hypermobility

    -Direct messenger and support from Dr. Jenna for virtual form checks, questions, and modifications

    -Access to your program for 1 year from purchase + access to your exercise history indefinitely

    -Group forum for accountability and support

    -On demand online video trainings covering topics including:

    1- Squat vs hinge

    2- What is your core? Examples of trunk stability exercise.

    3- Is stretching good or bad for hypermobile bodies?

    4- Breathing techniques when lifting

    5- Do I need a belt or wrist straps?

    6- How to schedule my workouts? Calculating volume to prevent injury.

    Bonus: Applying K- tape for neck tension

  • *It is recommended that you have basic gym equipment for this program: barbell (ideal but not required), dumbbells ranging in size, kettle bells, bands, etc.

    You can find my recommendations here:

Knee Stability (New!)

  • Are your hypermobile knees holding you back? This 12-week progressive, strengthening program is designed specifically for hypermobile bodies—helping you build knee strength, reduce pain, and improve stability so you can move with confidence.

  • 12 Weeks of Workouts – Designed for hypermobility-specific knee strength

    Weeks 1-4: Build strength without flaring your knees

    Weeks 5-9: Progress with more knee-specific exercises

    Weeks 9-12: Put it all together with dynamic movements like squats & lunges to transfer over into daily life

    Direct Access to Dr. Jenna – Get real-time feedback on your form and personalized modifications

    A Supportive Hypermobile Community – Connect with others on the same journey

    Exclusive Resources & Trainings – Learn how to train smarter, reduce pain, and stay strong for life

    Trainings include:

    -Common Injuries with Hypermobility

    -What does Hip & Ankle Strength have to do with Knee Pain?

    -Taping for Hypermobile Knees

    -How to Prevent Knee Hyperextension/Find Neutral

    -What is Productive vs Bad Pain?

    -Subluxations vs Dislocations & How to Manage

  • Yoga mat/towel to lay on the ground

    Ankle Weights 1-10 pounds

    Resistance bands (I like theraband)

    Light to moderate weights (10-20 pounds recommended)

    Mini step (2-6 inches)

    Optional: k-tape (Not if you're allergic to adhesives)